UPenn Software Licensing



Microsoft EES -- Enrollment for Education Solutions Subscription License


As an alternative to purchasing Microsoft Select perpetual licenses, Schools and Centers can choose to participate in a Microsoft EES subscription for Microsoft server products. 


An EES subscription is paid annually can be for either a one-year term or three-year term. Annual payments allow for the lease of software by the department. 


In return for the annual subscription fee, a department would have its own license key and access to the MVLS to download the software.


If an entity signs a three-year contract, the price of the software would remain the same for all three annual renewals. Products can be added to their product group at will, but no products may be removed until the end of the three-year term. 


If an entity signs a one-year contract, the price of the software may increase each year. Products can be added or removed each year.


An EES Enrollment is entered into by a School or Center, not by an individual department.  For further information, please contact OSL at 215-573-3587 or at licenses@upenn.edu